
Phonics at Summerhill Infant School 

At Summerhill Infant School, we use Read Write Inc. Phonics from the start of reception through to year 2.  This whole school approach has been designed to ensure progress for every child.  

Phonic and reading sessions are taught daily across the school.  These sessions will help children to learn to read in a very simple way.  Children will learn to: 

1. Read letters by their ‘sounds

2. Blend these sounds into words

3. Read the words in a story

All children will be sent home with phonetically decodable books each week, which are matched to their current stage of phonic knowledge.  Please ensure that you read your child’s reading book with them at least three times each week, signing their reading log each time.    

Children who need additional support to develop their phonics knowledge in the EYFS and across KS1 are identified and targeted for intervention. 

Below you will find video links and further information about: 

  • how to pronounce each sound correctly 
  • what to think about when reading with your child 
  • Read Write Inc. and our approach to teaching reading and phonics 
  • A list of sounds which are covered throughout the Read Write Inc. Phonics
  • A list of red words which appear in the Read Write Inc storybooks
Click here: What is Read, Write, Inc Phonics