Mrs Harbut, Mrs Dignum (nee Brooks)
Teacher: Mrs Harbut, Mrs Dignum (nee Brooks)

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2's Area of the Website!

Our Year 2 Classes are Hall Class and Muller Class. They are named after famous and inspirational Bristolians Hyacinth Hall and George Muller.

As the oldest pupils in the school, we have high aspirations of the children and they enjoy learning through our exciting topics.

Our topics for the year are:

Term 1: Animals in the Wild

Term 2: Victorian Bristol

Term 3: Around the World in 28 Days

Term 4: Explorers

Term 5: Journey into Space

Term 6: Being Human

PE Days: are Mondays and Wednesdays

We will have trips, visitors and special events throughout the year to inspire the children in their love of learning.

Homework Expectation 
In Year 2 we set Spellings which are linked to the National Curriculum and weekly reading to be completed at home. Other Homework, special challenges and competitions are also put on Google Classroom. All of our planning is available weekly on Google Classroom for your information.

Things to Remember Each Week –
All Year 2 pupils need to remember to:
• Come to school wearing PE kits and shoes on Monday and Wednesday.
• Bring in their reading books and Reading Logs each day.
• Ensure all school uniform and other items are clearly labelled with permanent pen

Ways To Support Learning At Home –

Speak to your class teacher if you would like specific ways to support learning at home. However, general steps to take are:
• Help with weekly spelling practice (a copy of Year 2 Spellings is available on Google Classroom for each term.)
• Read with your child each week (see Reading Logs and bookmarks for inspiration and key questions to ask when reading.)
• Use the Chromebooks with your child regularly and look at Google Classroom together.

If you are interested in helping in school, please go to the office for a DBS volunteer pack. We would really value help with trips, reading, cooking and art activities.

Typical Day in Year 2

9.00: Register, Travel Tracker and Inference activity

9.10: Read, Write Inc. or Reading Comprehension lesson

9.30: Maths

10.30: Milk and Fruit time

10.45: Playtime

11.00: Literacy 

12.00: Tidy up/story

12.15 – 1.10:  Lunch and playtime

1.15: Register and mindfulness

1.30: Assembly

1.50: Topic Activities e.g. PE, History, Science or Art

3.00 : Story or News time

3.15: Home time