Mr Walton, Miss Lear
Teacher: Mr Walton, Miss Lear


Welcome to Reception's Area of the Website!

The Reception year is the last year of the Early Years Foundation stage.  The Early Years Foundation stage is based on 4 overarching principles:

  • The Unique child, an understanding that each child is unique and constantly learning and developing. That each child is building their confidence, resilience and self-esteem.
  • Positive Relationships, children learn to be independent through positive relationships with the adults in the class.
  • Enabling environments, children learn well in safe, stimulating classrooms, with adults that teach and support them, responding to individual needs and interests
  • Learning and Development, understanding that children learn and develop at different rates

At Summerhill Infant School we have planned an exciting curriculum based on topics of interest across the year, covering and building upon the seven areas of learning:

  • Communication and language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Creative Development

Children have opportunities to explore the provision both inside the classroom and in the outdoor classroom in the canopy area. The wider school environment including the school field also offer opportunities for knowledge exploration and discovery across all seven areas of learning. Playtimes take place in the playground and on the Trailblazer.

Topics this year include: Me, Myself and I, Once Upon A time, Food Glorious Food, People Who Help Us, Minibeasts and Wonderful Water.


40 Books to Read in Reception; 


A Typical Day in Reception

9.00: Register, whole class teaching session

9.30: Activities, both child initiated and small group teaching

10.00: Milk and Fruit time

10.15: Playtime

10.40: Activities as above

11.30: Tidy Up and whole class teaching session – songs, stories

11.45 – 12.45: Reception lunch and playtime

12.45: Register and mindfulness

12.50 – 2.20: Whole class teaching and activities

2.30: Playtime

2.45: Story time


Tuesday: Dedicated Hall Time for PE