School Council

15th April 2024

Since their election at the start of the academic year, School Council have been busy working on a ‘Playground Games’ project, which aims to introduce a wider variety of games for children to enjoy at playtime and lunchtime.

We began by doing lots of research about different playground games, thinking carefully about the space and equipment available to us. Following gathering ideas from home and our classes, we then wrote up instructions on how to play the games we had collated.

Mrs Foxfield helped us to type up our games and we added pictures to support younger children with learning how to play. Our Chair and Secretary designed some front covers and we created ‘Playground Games’ books that will be located in each of our three playgrounds, on our school council display board (near the Foyer) and on our website (see below).

Next, we plan to launch our book in school by teaching other children how to play the games during playtimes, lunchtimes and at the start of assemblies.

Watch this space as we continue to update you on this exciting project…..   


Click here to view our Playground Games Booklet



16th October 2023

A huge congratulations to our new School Councillors (pictured below)

Quotes from our new school councillors…

“I want to help others and improve our library.”

“I think our school needs more play equipment. I am confident I can help with this.”

“I am going to work very hard as a school councillor as I want to help others.”

“Being a school councillor is important because we help to make decisions about how to improve our school.”

“I make a good school councillor because I am kind and helpful. Everyone is my friend.”

“I am proud of who I am and I am looking forward to helping others.”

“I want to help people and make our playground better.”

“I am kind and I listen to others. I would like to see more pictures in our toilets and more show and tell.”


We are proud of everyone who put themselves forward to be a School Councillor – all have been given house points for their hard work and commitment.  


25th September 2023

Year 1 and Year 2 School Council Elections

This term we will be electing new School Councillors in Year 1 and Year 2.

We will share the election process with the children during the week beginning 25th September and the children will vote in their new school councillors the following week. The diagram below shows this process in more detail. 



School Councillors play an important role in our school community by representing their class in discussing school issues. They help to make decisions about how school is run and take on projects that support learning and development in our school, such as helping to organise charity events, representing the school in our community or helping to ensure the school is environmentally friendly. The election process is also an effective way of teaching children about democracy – for all children, not just those who would like to be considered for the posts or for the children who are successful with their application.


We encourage all children to apply for the role of School Councillor as it gives them an opportunity to develop various skills, including communication skills and their ability to problem solve, plus much more besides! However, children can choose not to apply if, after learning about what being a School Councillor entails, they decide they would not currently like to take up this offer. The whole process will be managed in school – from learning about what a School Councillor is, to preparing their election form and voting, and finally reflecting on the process. You do not need to complete anything at home, however you may wish to talk to your child about whether they would like to apply and remind them of the process (detailed above).


Below you will find the slides and resources that we will share with the children at the various stages of the election process.